“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain…”Mark 11:23
I am absolutely convinced that we spend too much time asking God to do things – to change things that HE HAS GIVEN US THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO DO. When there are obstacles in life, we need to learn how to TALK TO THINGS. Whether it be the weather, circumstances, money, situations, etc; we must SPEAK TO IT AND TELL IT WHAT TO DO! Of course, we need the Word in our hearts and of course there are times when we will need to seek the wisdom of God. The bottom line however is that we must SPEAK TO THINGS IF WE EXPECT THEM TO CHANGE! Search the Scriptures and especially the ministry of Jesus while He was here in the earth. This is where He set an example for us, living as the Son of man, anointed by the Spirit of God.
Scripture reading: Mark 11:12-21; Matthew 8:23-27