Light In The Divided 2020_1122
Debbi Robertson - 2020_1122
Light In The Divided
Genesis 1: 1-4
Declarations For 2019 “Say What God Says!”
I. I WILL NOT be deceived!
II. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church.
III. I win!
IV. I am protected by the power of God!
V. I owe no one ANYTHING but love nor will I be the
surety for anyone’s debt.
VI. The fraud is over!
VII. I’m healthy, I’m wealthy and I’m wise.
VIII. I am the light of the world!
We are CHARGED to Say What God Says
• In 2020, we’ve been challenged with every single one
of these!
• If we do #8, all the others will be covered.
• I am the light of the World!
• In these times, we are charged to be THE light.
• The Light (Jesus) dwells within us, and it’s up to us to
let THE light shine.
• That’s what brings sight to darkened people.
There’s been more division than ever in the last year...this
side/that side !
(Divide is not a bad thing. There are times and purposes
for division. I’m talking about the type of division that
brings about anger and wrath, that destroys.)
EXAMPLES of subjects that have caused division in
• Political parties: Trump/Biden
• Racism: BLM/ALM
• Police support/Defund Police
• Masks/No Masks
• Just to name a few
I’m not talking differences of opinions, I’m talking
about divisions.
• People - even those who call themselves Christians -
the family of God, have been so divided this year.
Fighting against each other.
• Webster’s 1828 defines Divided as disunited.
Division is the opposite of unity.
What is our charge? Be the Light!
• First documented words, Gen 1: “Let there be light“
said in love. All He says is in love.
Psalms 43:3 NKJV
John 3:16-21 NKJV
I Corinthians 1:10 NKJV
Luke 11:17 NKJV
I Corinthians 3:3 NKJV
Definitions of Divide
1. To part or separate an entire thing; to part a thing into
two or more pieces.
2. To cause to be separate; to keep apart by a partition
or by an imaginary line or limit.
1. To set apart from a number for a particular service.
2. To disconnect;
3. To make space between.
4. To separate one's self, to withdraw; to depart.
II Corinthians 6:14, 16-17 NKJV
Ephesians 2:14 NKJV
Egg separate and divide demo
John 1:1-9 NKJV
Matthew 5:16 NKJV
How to Bring Light to a Dark and Divided World?
1. Know when and how to be speak and then only speak
words of truth and love, God’s Words, that bring light.
Proverbs 15:1 NKJV
Proverbs 21:23
Whoever guards his mouth and tongue
Keeps his soul from troubles.
2. Humble ourselves and pray!
II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV
Phil 2: 1-4, 14, 15
I charge us today...Separate ourselves and bring light
to a dark and divided world.
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