Christianity Is Not For Wimps
“Only be thou strong and very courageous…” Joshua 1:7
All throughout the Scriptures God commands His people to be strong and courageous. Never does He ever suggest that we should be cowardly and shrink back from satan or the circumstances of life. The English word “courage” has its roots in the Latin and French words for “heart.” To have heart is to face up to any challenge, adversity, problem and even the threat of disaster or death, stare it in the face and defy them; even deny the right to run one off in fear. God can encourage us to be that way because He knows Who He is on behalf of His people and He also knows what He has invested in us – Himself. He has made us more than conquerors and proclaimed to us that He, in us, is greater than the one who is in the world. He has given us His armor to wear and the Word of God to come forth from our mouths. He proclaims repeatedly that He is on our side and that He is our Helper. So, as Christians, we are to face every single adversity with courage, not run as cowards. We can do that because we know Who He is and we know who we are!
Scripture reading: Joshua 1:1-18; Psalm 118:6-17; 2 Corinthians 2:14