Can God Count On You?
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” Proverbs 20:6
We are living in a time in which the Church, the Body of Christ, is in desperate need of people who are reliable; people who are faithful. The world in which we live has become extremely selfish and every day we are witnessing more and more self – centeredness in the lives of people around us. The Bible teaches us that we are in the world, but yet we are not of the world. We have a faithful God, One Who will always be the same – reliable and unchangeable – no matter what anyone else does or does not do. For Him to get the kind of things accomplished in and through the Church that He desires, He needs people that He can count on to be as He is – faithful. Will you be counted among those whom the Father can trust? Will you love and serve and be available for the Father to work through, even when so many in the House of God are choosing their own way? Will you be one who will raise up once again standards of excellent living and serving when the majority are willing to settle for handing the Father and the Church trash and yet expecting to be rewarded for it? What will you do, my brother, my sister? Can the Father count on you to believe Him for the reward for your kingdom labor when men don’t recognize your work or even care? What will you do? The Father needs YOU!…and He needs YOU TODAY!
Scripture reading: Psalm 37:3 New King James; 2 Timothy 2:1-13; Luke 18:8