“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; WHO SATISFIETH THY MOUTH WITH GOOD THINGS; SO THAT THY YOUTH IS RENEWED LIKE THE EAGLES.” (Emphasis is mine). Psalm 103:1-5
The mindset of a lot of folks is to get all the gusto out of living when they are young and prepare for heart attacks, arthritis, lots of medicine, bad memory, a nursing home and then a funeral once they start getting old. Do you realize that God makes promises to those who are “aging?” Just like any other area, you will have to make up your mind to stand firmly on the promises; satan and this natural order won’t allow you to just “waltz” into them. God will literally satisfy your mouth, your palette, your desire with good things and renew your youth. If you will make the Word of God your number one priority, remain active mentally and physically (you will probably want to have someone who knows how to guide you to be involved with you. A Holy – Spirit immersed medical doctor and the same by way of a nutritionist and trainer would be a good start), educate yourself in what and how to eat and drink and with the help of the Holy Spirit, train yourself how to talk, you would be amazed at the quality of life you can live in spite of what the calendar says about your age. Remove talk about being sick and “jokes” about getting old from your speech. Confess this Scripture and others instead. You will find out that confessing the Word concerning your health and satisfaction will work supernatural things in your body and it will cause the wisdom of God to rise up in you so that you can work with the promises of God, not against them. Don’t settle for a defeated finish to life, enjoy it.
Scripture reading: Numbers 14:6-15; Psalm 91:16; Psalm 92:12-15