Reject Fear
“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job 3:25
Fear will bring negative and destructive things our way in the same manner in which love and faith in God will bring blessings our way. The first three chapters of Job give us an object lesson in fear and its potential to destroy if we allow it to be unchecked in our lives. I John 4:18 tells us that “perfect love casts out fear.” WHEN WE KNOW THAT THE FATHER LOVES US, FEAR HAS NO ROOM TO TORMENT AND INTIMIDATE US. Search out what the Scriptures teach us about God’s love for us, meditate them and on purpose receive the Father’s love toward you.
Scripture reading: Psalm 118:6; Isaiah 54:13-17; Psalm 27:1-3; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:15