We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7
The principle of walking by faith and not by sight is one that is challenging to our senses. Living in a world in which so much is based on physical things and emotions can make living the faith life a difficult thing to grasp. But thank God for His Word that gives us the help that we need to see things through the eyes of our Father. When we go to the Scriptures on a constant and continual basis, our vision of living by the principles of the kingdom of God become clearer and living in that kingdom begins to become more real to us than living in this world. However, this is not an overnight happening. It takes a lifetime of commitment and consistency in being a doer of God’s Word…and begins by making a decision today! Search the Scriptures, fellowship with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal to you the things that you need to know that will help you to walk by faith and not according to your natural senses.
Scripture reading: Hebrews 11:1-40